Primary function of the office is to inform public about studies and various activities of the university and to improve studies which present and develop the foundation identity of the university. In this sense, the public relations office of the university undertakes a set of functions in order to present the foundation identity of the university in the best way. METU Public Relations Office makes a news set of arrangements different from other institutions public relations offices tasks to provide the best formation within contemporary Turkish universities. For this reason, in order to develop its mission identity, new projects are generated and performed by METU Public Relations Office, which is coordinated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Y. Eren Kalay, Assistant to the President.
The conventional functions of METU Public Relations Office are:
- To fulfill the tasks requested by presidency
- To introduce the institution and the campus to the guests
- To carry out tasks of Information Acquirement Unit founded as dependent to Public Relations Office
- To prepare "BU HAFTA BÜLTENİ" and to distribute it inside and outside the university by post and e-mail
- To read the daily newspapers and search the relevant news, for generating news
- To provide protocol service for all activities
- To keep under control the domestic and foreign protocol lists and make updating them
- To prepare and present annual METU introduction programme to the new METU students
- To make journeys to the high schools in or out of Ankara which inform the students about the departments they are interested in
- To make all ceremonial organizations, give the emceeing service, prepare ceremony brochures and publish them
- To prepare invitations for university's activities and, for other activities, providing team and equipment support
- To prepare the introductory METU brochures and CD's by upgrading, to distribute, print and send them depending on demand
- To prepare newspaper announcements, send wreath and flower
- To publish calendars and diaries at the end of the year and make their distributions
- To make photograph - video shootings of the activities and archive them
All works from gathering information, writing, editing to publishing and distribution of ceremony brochures, journals and publications published by METU Presidency;are carried out by Public Relations Office.